Profesora Rubí Rodríguez, del Comité Científico de la SOMACHI, edita libro en la AMS acerca de Lipman Bers

Se trata de un texto parte biográfico, parte una colección de ensayos matemáticos que dan luces de la vida de este gigante matemático. La profesora Rodríguez es autora también de un excelente libro de la serie Graduate Texts in Mathematics de Springer acerca de Análisis Complejo, ha sido presidenta de la SOMACHI, dirigido varias tesis de doctorado y autora de considerables publicaciones internacionales.

La presentación original de este libro en inglés:

Lipman Bers, a Life in Mathematics

Edited by Linda Keen: Lehman College and the Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY,
Irwin Kra: Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY,
Rubí E. Rodríguez: Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile

The book is part biography and part collection of mathematical essays that gives the reader a perspective on the evolution of an interesting mathematical life. It is all about Lipman Bers, a giant in the mathematical world who lived in turbulent and exciting times. It captures the essence of his mathematics, a development and transition from applied mathematics to complex analysis—quasiconformal mappings and moduli of Riemann surfaces—and the essence of his personality, a progression from a young revolutionary refugee to an elder statesman in the world of mathematics and a fighter for global human rights and the end of political torture.

The book contains autobiographical material and short reprints of his work. The main content is in the exposition of his research contributions, sometimes with novel points of view, by students, grand-students, and colleagues. The research described was fundamental to the growth of a central part of 20th century mathematics that, now in the 21st century, is in a healthy state with much current interest and activity. The addition of personal recollections, professional tributes, and photographs yields a picture of a man, his personal and professional family, and his time.

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