Seventh Math Webinar in English

The Panamanian Foundation for the Promotion of Mathematics (FUNDAPROMAT) welcomes you to join our Seventh Math Webinar in English, which will take place on Wednesday, August 4th, 2021 at 5 pm Panama time, 6 pm EDT. This Webinar is free and open to the general public, which means that kids and adults of all ages are welcome to attend.    In this Seventh Math Webinar in English, our invited speaker, the origami artist Robert Lang, will be presenting on “Origami, Mathematics and Technology.” The last decade of this past century has been witness to a revolution in the development and application of mathematical techniques to origami, the centuries-old Japanese art of paper-folding. The techniques used in mathematical origami design range from the abstruse to the highly approachable. In this virtual event, Robert Lang will describe how geometric concepts led to the solution of a broad class of origami folding problems – specifically, the problem of efficiently folding a shape with an arbitrary number and arrangement of flaps, and along the way, enabled origami designs of mind-blowing complexity and realism, some of which you’ll see, too. As often happens in mathematics, theory originally developed for its own sake has led to some surprising practical applications. The algorithms and theorems of origami design have shed light on long-standing mathematical questions and have solved practical engineering problems. Robert Lang will discuss examples of how origami has enabled safer airbags, giant space telescopes, and more. It should be noted that there will be no simultaneous translation into Spanish provided during this virtual event.  

The instructions to access this Webinar will be sent by email the day before the event to all those who register. Please fill out the following form to register:

The Panamanian Foundation for the Promotion of Mathematics (FUNDAPROMAT) seeks to promote the study of mathematics in a fun and innovative way. Through activities that are free and open to the general public, we wish to change the perception that people have towards math so that they can enjoy exploring the beauty and richness of mathematics.

For more information on this private non-profit Foundation, you may visit our website follow us on social media: Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, all @fundapromat. To help support math education, we appreciate your donation. For a receipt, please email us at